Frequently asked questions.

What kind of podcast does Coffee and Sports Talk offer ?

The kind of podcast that Coffee and Sports Talk provides for their audience and listeners is a sports podcast in addition to talking about coffee and it’s facts.

How often does Coffee and Sports Talk release their podcast and content?

Coffee and Sports Talk records once a week. They record on Sunday’s and produces their podcast either on the same day as they record or the next day.

Where did Coffee and Sports Talk get their inspiration from?

Coffee and Sports Talk got their inspiration to start a podcast business back in March of this year from another podcast company called Talk About With Biff, Lucky, and Mr. Fun.

What are some topics on Coffee and Sports Talk?

Some topics that Coffee and Sports Talk discuss in their podcast episodes each week are MLB, PGA Tour Golf, NFL, NBA, G league, CFB rankings and College Football in general, NHL, Washington Capitals and Commanders reports, and etc.